बुधवार, 30 अप्रैल 2008


Once an aggressive bloke,
today a passive weapon.
in true sense of composure
the blood which was soaked
by the sporadic flow of time,
hardness became softness.

to see the essence of life
to slow down with lesser moves
to bypass the tough times
to ignore the complexities.

he who opens the door,
welcomes everything with grittiness.
let the door remain open
marinate the whole shebang with neutral juice
fulfilling the profound impulse
of no ardor with absolute tranquility.

- Neeraj Mathpal
April 30, 2008

मंगलवार, 29 अप्रैल 2008

Little Offbeat

Today, I thought of writing about an offbeat topic, which still makes sense. Taking and compiling this abstract from some old pages of my diary:

It is really difficult to define the terms “Unattached work” and “Absolute unselfishness” in a very precise manner, because more or less these are the things to realize. Most of our thoughts are borrowed from some sources. They may be books or our ancestors. My case is also not a different one. After analyzing them, our creative mind makes its own theory. Sometimes it results in exactly the same theory with more or less intensity. I am fortunate to get more intensified. But whatever I've understood till date is not enough to show a clear view of all these terms containing lots of mystery. Today, I’ll write only about the borrowed things and most of the ideas are taken from Geeta. All the Shlokas written are the greatest philosophical weapons for any era. But a new compilation, new illustration is needed to understand the real meaning hidden with them. Anyway…

Unattached work (Nishkam Karm) is a very deep thing. For the moment, without going into details of different forms of Yoga, our center of concentration will be the battle field of “Karm Yoga”. I'll try to define the terms with respect to this yoga as I think we are, by default, attached with the "Karm Sansar". To start with it, it's better to follow the simple meaning of a Shloka –

"Hato va prapysi swargam, jitva va bhokshyase maheem.
Tasmaduttisth kauntaiya, yuddhay krit nischyah."

It clearly says if you'll do the work successfully, you are definitely going to get something. If you won't, still you are bound to get something. You should not be worried about the results. It's your duty, don't do it for others or for any benefits. Just do it only because it’s your duty. At the same time you shouldn't think about the output. Try to be the same in joys and sorrows. If you see any sorry picture from different perspectives, you'll ultimately find a joy in it. In Shakespeare's words, "Nothing is good or bad, thinking makes it so". That’s what is written so many times in our mythological epics. Trust me it's not easy to experience these feelings. It's hard to feel this strange power of total innerness (that raised one more question, what is success, whether it exists or not? but to make the things smooth - take the simple lexicon oriented meaning of success) and a long road is ahead. Meditation techniques can be a nice helping toolkit to achieve this state, but it's not always true. I used to and still like worships in form of prayers. At the same time I also try to find the “sva” contained in me. For what purpose? There is not any. Depending upon the personal feelings, a person can follow any path as the goal is same. Fluctuations and distractions will always be there, after all we are human beings; but realization should be there.

Another term “Absolute unselfishness” (Param Niswarth) is simple in meaning, but it’s near to impossible to implement. If you are giving something to a beggar, you’ll think that “Chalo aaj ek Punya ka kam to kiya”. If you are praying in Mandir, you’ll think “Bhagwan ki Kripa bani rahe ham par”. If not all these, you are certainly bound to do something for your family members or familiars. If parents give shelter and love to their children, they do it because it’s their duty or love. But here also a kind of selfishness is attached. So many simple things we do, purposefully or ignorantly, almost always involve a bit of selfishness. I can’t give a right solution to prevent this feeling, but it will disappear once we attend all the traits of “SatoGun”. Hard enough to attend those.

Enough for the day. I have left so many unanswered questions. Probably these words have lost the intensity within me with time after seeing more and more of real world. There is only hope that whatever is written would help to open a new world or to look at it in a different way.

- Neeraj Mathpal
April 29, 2008

सोमवार, 14 अप्रैल 2008


विटप ऊँचे दृष्टित होते रहे
सन्निकट ही झाड़ सी फैलती घास
अदृश्य मौन रंजना सी

इसलिए क्या कि वो अपने आप ही उग आयी
और अपने कद को ऊँचा भी न कर सकी
इसलिए क्या कि उसका हरा रंग क्षणिक है
और जैसे मटमैली हो जाना उसकी नियति

जल प्रकाश का ऐसा अभाव
क्यों ये दुर्दैव
कि योग्यतम की उत्तरजीविता का डार्विनवाद
उसी पर लागू हो

रचने की मीमांसा का अर्थ समझा
एक तिनका सहेज कर उस घास से
अब वो तिनका भी प्रवाहित हो गया
प्राण वायु के वेग में

इस व्याकुलता में कोई कौतुहल नहीं
अब जड़ भी तो जंगम नहीं
अंतर्नाद में अंतर्द्वन्द्व
घास की यह तो परिभाषा नहीं

- नीरज मठपाल
अप्रैल १४, २००८

Ayyo Joshi

Once again, our loving Joshi is in news. This time not for wrong reasons :-) Today, He came out with all flying colors (in white) and won ethnic dress competition in his office.

Congratulations dadu! You rock as always. Enna raaskalaaa.. sis swoos swoos, his hwoos hwoss. Full rajni style :)

गुरुवार, 10 अप्रैल 2008


सामने का वह हरा चीड़ का पेड़
रानीखेत का जंगल दिखाता है।
देवदारू का झुरमुट
आल्मा हाउस का वृक्ष नजर आता है,
आपनी छाया में जैसे
मुझी को समेट लेना चाहता है पागल।

सूरज झाँक रहा है
उस मकान की तिरछी छत से
उसके ओज को निहारूं
तो हिमालय पर उसकी पड़ती किरणें
अपने आगोश में लेती हैं।

छोटे से पौधे को देखूं तो
बच्चों की किलकारी सुनाई पड़ती है,
लाल रंग के पत्तों में
गेरू से लीपी ड्योढी नजर आती है।
मन के कागज पर जैसे
उसके सफ़ेद एपण एक चित्र खींचते हों।

आगे बढूँ तो वो पीला फूल
स्वेटर पर एक पीला रूमाल लगा देता है।
लाल रंग की ईजा की बुनी हुई टोपी
ख़ुद ही सिर पर बैठती है,
मैं फ़िर से चौथी कक्षा में पहुँच जाता हूँ।

अपने बस्ते को पीठ पर लगाकर
मस्ती में गुनगुनाता हूँ -
" संगठन गढे चलो, सुपंथ पर बढे चलो
भला हो जिसमें देश का, वो काम सब किए चलो"

चलते चलते पत्थर पर ठोकर मारूं
तो धप की आवाज
पिड्डू की याद दिलाती है।
गोधूली की यह बेला
सन् छियासी की सफ़ेद गाय का दूध पिलाती है,
धीरे धीरे काला होता यह आकाश
शान्ति द्वार में प्रविष्ट कराता है।

घड़ी की सुईयां जैसे
उल्टी चल रही हों
बताने के लिए कि कोई रंग नहीं बदला
इन्द्रधनुष आज भी सतरंगी है।
तेरे मन की फुलवारी
आज भी बहुरंगी है।

फ़िर स्वयं ही रोकता हूँ
घड़ी के इन काँटों को,
कि काँटों!
सतत बहना ही
तुम्हारा है कर्म।
रंगों को मन में बसाकर
और रंग फैलाना ही है
जीवन का मर्म।

मन है
रंगों से सरोबार इस दुनिया की
हवाओं में मैं हवा हो जाऊं।
कुछ रंगों की सुनूँ,
कुछ रंगों की सुनाऊँ।

हाथ में फ़िर पैंसिल है
उकेर दूँ कुछ और अक्षरों को
अक्षरों की दुनिया भी तो बहुरंगी है।

हरित स्यामल रंग को
उज्जवल मन में बसाते रहिये,
रंग बिरंगे इस जीवन को
और रंगीन बनाते रहिये।

- नीरज मठपाल
अप्रैल १०, २००८

मंगलवार, 8 अप्रैल 2008

Fear of metropolitan cities

This chinese guy, I met few days back, he was so much confused and lost in US because of a different life style and cultural differences. This guy with an english name Mike (real name Yabig) came to work for same client. It was his first trip outside China. He arrived at San Francisco with his wife and a sweet baby of minus six months (not yet born). A feeling of strangeness was continuing sickness for couple of weeks. In this independent country where you have to make your own destiny, where you have to choose your own path, he was there with nobody around to talk to him. Worst part was his english communication and difficulty in understanding even common things. Good part is he has slowly started knowing how to deal with circumstances, how to start coping with a different environment, a different culture. To take some appreciation and on a light note, he can always thank friends like me for this little change. I have laughed at him so many times because of silly questions raised, but he never felt bad. But believe me he is a question machine and we had to be on our feet most of the times to answer his questions and curiosities. Good part is we got to know more about China because he compares almost everything with China and it provides us some information about another great country. Yes, I do believe in "Hindi Cheeni bhai bhai" and more than that in "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam".

Well for now, I'll leave all these slogans behind and start focussing on the topic itself. Behavior of this chinese guy triggered this topic for the day.

I have seen people in my own village, when they come to Delhi first time in their life, it's a hell lot of experience. Survival looks tougher in asking conditions as life is totally different, as it is not made for them. To be honest, some of my friends will say I was not very different 5 years back, although it was my umpteenth trip to Delhi, but somehow it was not my comfort zone. I gave a solid example when I jumped from a DTC bus when it was nearing a turn near Aashram (near maharani bagh). Actually I was sleeping and my friends said we are about to reach, I saw them at the gate and I felt like they are stepping down there. I was unaware of actual situation and stepped down from bus. Yes, Stepped Down !!. But when I landed like an airplane, I realized what I had done. I had just jumped from a running bus. A running bus!! It was a lucky escape as there was no other vehicle coming at that time. My friends were shocked. We met at next bus stop and they scolded me and we forgot that chapter with some huge laughters. It has happened with one of my friends in Bangalore. There are so many similar moments; I have even forgotten the count of them. But we survived and we learned from our mistakes. Truth is that even today I will have to think ten times before driving in Delhi or Bangalore or any metropolitan city of India. It seems easier here in US, but mate, believe me it requires skills in India.

Those blue line buses in Delhi are worse. They won't care for passengers, you somehow have to jump into and step down from a running bus. If you are taking too much time in that process, get ready for some slangs or miss your bus stop. Every second person looks like he is going to take advantage of your simplicity. If you are not "metropolitan smart", you are going to have a tough time there. I still remember when some of my friends used to say how shall we live in Delhi. First, being a Pahadi, the heat in summer will kill us and if we survive that, there are smart Delhites, who will make our life miserable. Only street smart people can survive there. But with time, we realized that it is not true. It is all about experiences. When you go out to any new place, you might feel bubbles in your stomach, but with time, they are going to burst automatically. You just have to stay calm and use your brain and instincts a bit. Then this becomes a continuing process, you will not even feel bubble at some stage, it's all about experiencing the bitterness of life and bitterness of these metropolitan cities.

I know you guys must have had similar or more horrible experiences in your life, you can write to me at laata.times@gmail.com about those moments / experiences. I'll publish them in this same topic. For now, I'll end this topic with a nice Shloka :

अयं निजः परोवेति गणनालघुचेतसाम।
उदारचरितानाम तु, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम॥

(It means - This is mine, that is yours. This type of data analysis is done by people with small hearts. For people with big hearts, this earth is their home, their family).

- Neeraj Mathpal
April 8, २००८

Priyanka from Bangalore writes, "It reminded me of one similar incident that happened with me some three years back. Sharing it with you.

I was visiting Delhi for the first time, we had an off campus there. I went there with my friends( It would be better if i called them Classmates). The worst part in the whole thing was that I had not informed my parents, thinking that I would return back the next morning. Hostel life gives us that liberty. I was pretty much sure I would get an offer letter at the end of the day so did not bother to ask anyone for permission.

Now you call it my bad luck or anything else, while we were on our way, our placement officer called us to inform that the campus had been rescheduled for the next day. We were near Ghaziabad, I cud not even think of returning back. I started wondering where I would go. All others with me had somebody or the other staying in Delhi. (All being boys would go to their friends places, I was left all alone). I did not know what to do. Then suddenly it struck to me that one of my friends was in Delhi at her sisters place. Although it was a little awkward still I called her up and told her that I would be staying there with her.

She came to pick me up in the morning. The day went of well. All her family members were very nice to me. As we finished lunch, I had no idea wat was in store for me. As all nice people would do, her Didi and Jijaji asked us where we wanted to go out in the evening. Shipra mall in Ghaziazbad was chosen as the destination. We were all set and ready to go. I was a bit nervous as it was the first time for me. I had never been to a mall. To add to the fear and anticipation, we were told that some guests from US would be joining us for dinner. I was not at all ready for this---Going to a five star hotel with people i did not know at all.

Any way, we reached the mall and as all other people loitering around, we too were busy window shopping. I had literally forgotten why I had come to Delhi. Soon enough Out of the confusion in the mall I found myself standing in front of an escalator all set to climb upstairs. (Remember it was the first time), I wanted to take a lift instead. Could not say anything to anyone. My friend understood my trauma. She held my hand, told me the technique :) to place one self on the escalator, and then asked me to take a step. I was dead scared and it took only a fraction of second for me to fall down. Dhard.......... a heavy tall person had fallen. It was sooooooooooooo embarrassing. Only if I had applied by brain and coordinated my body along with it.. I did not get hurt much, only some bruises. My friend at first shouted at me and then laughed her heart out.

I can never forget that day, I was so quiet at dinner out of embarrassment and also scared sitting in front of those people. I have not told anyone about this incident.

Last August I met my friend in another mall in Noida, while climbing the escalator, we just looked at each other and exchanged a warm smile."

[Laata Times thanks Priyanka for sharing this nice piece]

रविवार, 6 अप्रैल 2008

नव वर्ष मंगलमय !!

आज चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा है अर्थात हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार नव वर्ष प्राम्भ हो रहा है। विक्रमी संवत २०६६। शक पंचांग के अनुसार भी यही नव वर्ष का दिन है, जब चैत्र का प्रारम्भ होता है। शक संवत १९३०।

यह नव वर्ष भारत के कई अन्य भागों मे अलग अलग नामों से मनाया जाता है। दक्षिण भारत के कुछ प्रांतों मे इसे उगादी के नाम से, तो महाराष्ट्र में गुडी पड्व के नाम से मनाया जाता है।

बचपन में हमारे घर पर आंग्ल पंचांग के अनुसार आने वाला नव वर्ष १ जनवरी को शेष दिनों की तरह ही गुजर जाता था, बस दूरदर्शन पर कुछ कार्यक्रम देख लेते थे। किंतु हिंदू नव वर्ष अपने साथ कई सारी खुशियों को लेकर आता है। घर पर तरह तरह के व्यंजन बनाये जाते हैं, नवरात्रियों की शुरुआत होती है, कई लोग ९ दिनों तक व्रत रखते हैं तथा देवी की उपासना करते हैं, जिसके उद्यापन के लिए कन्यापूजन किया जाता है। नवमी का दिन धार्मिक रूप से विशेष दिन है, क्योंकि पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भगवान राम का जन्म इसी दिन हुआ था। प्रभु राम की ही याद में नवमी का पावन दिन रामनवमी के तौर पर मनाया जाता है। एक अलग ही तरह का हर्ष, उन्माद होता है इस दिन। पंडित, ज्योतिषी ग्रहों के आधार पर गणना करके वर्ष का पंचांग बनाते हैं। कई पंचांगों में देखने को मिलता है कि ईश्वरके घर में कौन राष्ट्रपति बना और कौन मंत्री प्रधान, किस राशि किस नक्षत्र का वर्ष शुभ अधिक है, किसका सामान्य आदि। सच में इस दिन विशेषतः लगता है कि पंचांग हिंदू जीवन शैली का कितना अहम् हिस्सा है।

आज भी इस नव वर्ष का अपनापन ही कुछ अनूठा है। आज मन अति प्रसन्न है। अभी मैं कुछ ज्यादा न लिखते हुए अपनी रसोई की तरफ़ बढता हूँ। आख़िर मुझे भी कम से कम आलू पूरी और कुछ मीठा बनाना चाहिए ना। हाँ, जानकारी के लिए इस संवत्सर का नाम " प्लव " है। गृह राज चन्द्रमा हैं और मंत्री सूर्य। धनेश बुध हैं और मेघेश शनि।

आप सभी को नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। यह वर्ष आप सभी के जीवन के लिए कल्याणकारी हो।
- नीरज मठपाल
अप्रैल ६, २००८

शनिवार, 5 अप्रैल 2008

Swami ji

Today after a long time, I thought of swami ji (Vivekananda). I felt like crying with happiness in front of him for few seconds. I felt like going back to basics. I always used to say "solitude and silence is must for introspection". But probably it's been sometime I've not done that. But here I was again trying to solve some intricacies of life, so I felt like dedicating one chapter here to swami ji. I do have some translated poems of swami ji written in my diary. I'm not going to write anything else here; just copying two of them. Forgive me if it's violation of any copyright; they are there in my heart; they are there in my soul. My ignorance don't realize it always, but roots can not be changed. Here are some of his nice poems. In case you read them, enjoy them and try to read in between the lines.


मैं पीछे मुड़कर देखता हूँ
और आगे भी,
और देखता हूँ कि सब ठीक है।
मेरी गहरी से गहरी व्यथाओं में
प्रकाश की आत्मा का निवास है।

धैर्य धरो हे वीर हृदय

भले ही तुम्हारा सूर्य बादलों से ढक जाय,
आकाश उदास दिखाई दे,
फ़िर भी धैर्य धरो कुछ हे वीर हृदय,
तुम्हारी विजय अवश्यम्भावी है।

शीत के पहले ही ग्रीष्म आ गया,
लहर का दबाव ही उसे उभारता है,
धूप - छाँव का खेल चलने दो
और अटल रहो, वीर बनो !

जीवन में कर्त्तव्य कठोर हैं,
सुखों के पंख लग गए हैं,
मंजिल दूर धुंधली सी झिलमिलाती है,
फ़िर भी अन्धकार को चीरते हुए बढ जाओ,
अपनी पूरी शक्ति और सामर्थ्य के साथ!

कोई कृति खो नहीं सकती और
न कोई संघर्ष व्यर्थ जाएगा,
भले ही आशाएं क्षीण हो जायें
और शक्तियाँ जवाब दे दें,
हे वीरात्मन, तुम्हारे उत्तराधिकारी
अवश्य जन्मेंगे
और कोई सत्कर्म निष्फल न होगा!

यद्यपि भले और ज्ञानवान कम ही मिलेंगे,
किंतु जीवन की बागडोर उन्हीं के हाथों में होगी,
यह भीड़ सही बातें देर से समझती है,
तो भी चिंता न करो, मार्ग प्रदर्शन करते जाओ।

तुम्हारा साथ वे देंगे, जो दूरदर्शी हैं,
तुम्हारे साथ शक्तियों का स्वामी है,
आशीषों की वर्षा होगी तुम पर,
ओ महात्मन,
तुम्हारा सर्वमंगल हो।


There are many more, but I should stop for now. I believe, if you read these poems, it will give you strength. God bless.

- Neeraj Mathpal
April 5, 2008